
Executive Floor Care

Oh no! My dog had an accident on the carpet! What do I do?

Dog on sofa

Don't worry - you are not alone!

Here are some helpful tips:

How can I remove pet urine from my carpet?

If odor persists call Executive Floor Care. We use a system that treats and draws the odor-causing salts from not only the carpet, but the padding too.

Here is what NOT to do when your pet soils the carpet:

But won't just cleaning the carpet remove the urine smell?

No- and here is why. Adding moisture to the carpet activates the urine salts in the carpet causing it to smell worse than before. (Simple humidity in the air will also make urine spots smell worse. Urine salts attract moisture.) This is especially true of a spot that was discovered after it dried. It is important to use enzymes to break down and destroy the salts which cause the odor.

If you choose to have Executive Floor Care help with your pet odor removal, you can be assured that we use professional grade products to neutralize the urine salts. We offer both a topical pet urine treatment and also sub surface extraction. Sub surface extraction pulls the dog or cat urine from the padding as well as the carpet.